Providence Dental Spa

How to Prepare for Wisdom Teeth Removal 

Many people must have their wisdom teeth removed either in their teenage years or their early twenties. Wisdom teeth removal is a standard procedure that many people find to be a must. Typically these teeth are removed when they’re impacted, meaning that they don’t have the room to erupt through the gum. 

Dr. Brandon Burleigh, an associate dentist at Providence Spa Dental, has found that most patients will need to get their wisdom teeth removed. “Ninety to ninety-five percent of patients will never have enough room for them, and they will just end up developing problems with their wisdom teeth later in life,” said Burleigh. 

If you have to get your wisdom teeth removed, there are some things you’ll need to do to prepare for this procedure. Here’s a list of tasks that can help you prepare to have your wisdom teeth removed at Providence Spa Dental: 

Receive a Consultation 

“The best way for a patient to prepare for wisdom teeth removal is to come in for an initial consultation or an overall exam,” said Burleigh. During a consultation or exam, the dentist may likely take dental radiographs to see the bone and soft tissue around your teeth to see where your wisdom teeth are and determine where removal needs to occur. The dental team will then conduct an oral examination to get more detail about what your wisdom teeth removal needs are. 

Ask Your Dentist Any Questions You Have 

It’s normal to feel apprehensive about wisdom teeth removal, so don’t hesitate to ask your dentist or oral surgeon any questions you have. 

Here are some questions you may want to ask:

  • The number of teeth that need to be removed. 
  • If they have damaged other teeth. 
  • The type of anesthesia you can get. 
  • Any post surgery suggestions to support your recovery. 

By asking lots of questions, your dentist will calm your anxieties and help you appropriately prepare for the procedure. 

Do Not Eat or Drink Before Surgery and Get the Right Foods for Recovery

Receiving anesthesia on a full stomach can cause some intense complications. Therefore, it’s essential that you do not eat or drink the night before surgery. 

“We instruct patients to not have anything to eat or drink typically past midnight the night before or at least six hours before the procedure,” said Burleigh. 

Also, don’t forget to plan for recovery. Be sure to stock up on foods you can eat after surgery. Some of these foods include soup, ice cream, and other soft foods. 

Let The Surgeon or Dentist Know About Any Medications 

Are you on any prescription or over-the-counter medications? If so, it’s important that you tell whoever is conducting the surgery about any medicines you’re taking and the corresponding dosage. Depending on the medication, you may need to stop taking it close to the surgery to avoid any complications with the anesthesia. 

Ensure You Have a Driver 

While wisdom teeth removal is an outpatient procedure, you will need some time to recover from anesthesia. An outpatient procedure does mean that you’ll be able to leave the same day, but it is important to note that you will not be able to drive yourself home. We highly recommend planning accordingly. Please ensure that you can identify who this person is, and let the staff at the dental facility know. Also, make sure they are present before, during, and after the removal. 

Wisdom teeth removal doesn’t have to be an uncomfortable or alarming process. We know that just walking through the door can be a stressful and mentally exhausting process. That’s why dentists like Dr. Burleigh and the rest of us strive to make wisdom teeth removal a gentle and stress-free experience by offering IV sedation. IV sedation has been proven to reduce the likelihood of a patient feeling discomfort during a procedure. 

If you suspect that you may need wisdom teeth removal, call us at 478-779-1740.