Providence Dental Spa

Why You Should Not Postpone Dental Work

The World Health Organization (WHO) made an announcement in August recommending that routine dental care should be avoided. Routine care had just been allowed to resume in June under strict guidelines for preventing disease spread. The WHO’s reasoning for discouraging dental care is because of the dentist’s “close proximity to patients’ faces for prolonged periods.” With rising case numbers throughout our world, The WHO recommends dental visits to be avoided until there is a drop in transmission rates. There are many factors that the WHO does not seem to be acknowledging about dentistry. At Providence Dental Spa, we are deeply concerned about the impact of COVID-19 on Macon and our world beyond. The health and safety of all our patients is our highest priority. We want to reassure you and affirm the importance of your dental health even in a pandemic world. Consider these important factors before you delay your dental care:

  • There Has NOT Been a Spike in Cases Traced to Dental Offices–Since dentists’ offices reopened in June, there has not been an increase in cases connected to dental visits. Patients have been receiving care safely as long as dental practices have followed the mandated guidelines for PPE gear, disposable dental tools when available, increased sanitation, and social distancing as much as possible. If the evidence of transmission is not there, why should The WHO discourage crucial preventative dental care! There have been many places which have proven to be more of a risk for transmission, such as bars, churches, and schools. If dentist offices were showing signs of being a hot spot, we would discourage our patients from coming for their safety and ours. All dental practices following the standards set forth from the CDC and ADA, Providence Dental Spa included, are providing essential dental care in the safest possible environment.
  • Dental Care is Essential Preventative Care–The WHO is not discouraging people from receiving key preventative care from their general practice doctors currently. There are many health problems which can be extremely dangerous if not diagnosed early. When a patient goes for an annual, the doctor is looking out for signs of a problem to catch it early and prevent a major health concern. Going for an annual dentistry visit is no different. There are many oral concerns, such as cavities, gum disease, oral cancer, infections, etc., which can be caught at an annual visit. If a dental problem is noticed early on, the chances of eliminating the problem without major expense or impact upon quality of life are much more likely. Also, a routine visit can help identify failures in a home dental routine so they can be corrected before a cavity or an infection develops down the line. Being proactive with dental health is vital for overall health. The ADA President Chad P. Gehani, D.D.S. stated, “Oral health is integral to overall health. Dentistry is essential health care,” Dentistry is essential health care because of its role in evaluating, diagnosing, preventing, or treating oral diseases, which can affect systemic health.” We wholeheartedly agree with Dr. Gehani and we will continue to advocate for our patients’ health. Good oral health is connected to a healthy immune system.
  • Our Office is Being Intensely Intentional About Minimizing Risks–At Providence Dental Spa, we are taking the utmost precautions for protecting our patients and our staff. Before any patients enter the building, they receive a questionnaire from the ADA to determine their exposure and their risk. Also, our staff is not permitted to come to work with any possible symptoms or if they have been exposed to COVID-19. We have patients wait in their car prior to appointments so we can make sure to only welcome in one patient at a time. Patients are not permitted to bring anyone to their appointment, unless it is a parent accompanying their child. One of our staff members, fully outfitted in PPE gear, meets the patient at the door and checks them in virtually to remain contactless. We are staggering our appointment times to allow for better sanitation and social distancing. Our entire staff is always following safety guidelines from the CDC, which includes most of our staff being in the best protective gear, including N95 masks, face shields, and PPE jackets and gloves. All tools are either disposable or sanitized meticulously in between visits. Throughout the building, there are now hand sanitizing stations available for our patients. Also, we installed a UV-C plus Ionizer HVAC system in our office that circulates the air every 10 minutes to kill viruses, mold spores, and more contaminants. We took this extra step to prioritize the safety of our patients and team. Our practice has thought through the entire visit to make it a safe place for everyone.

Whether you need a dental procedure or a routine annual, reach out to Providence Dental Spa. We appreciate the confidence and trust our patients have given us to care for their health over the years and we look forward to the opportunity to continue doing so. In this uncertain time, we need to all be focused on staying as healthy as possible. Oral health is essential for overall health.