Providence Dental Spa

5 Things You Should Know About Teeth In A Day

Having your smile fixed in a day may seem too good to be true. Our Teeth in a Day procedure really will have you leaving with a new smile that day. If you have missing teeth or serious dental issues, Teeth in a Day may be a good fit for you. The team at Providence Dental Spa would be happy to consult with you about your options. Explore some key facts about Teeth in A Day (full arch dental implants) for yourself:

  1. They are the full package—looks and function

A beautiful smile is great, but you need it to work too. Your actual teeth have the chewing/grinding power they need because of being anchored to your jawbone. Full arch dental implants operate with the same idea. We use titanium roots to connect with your jawbone, forming a base for your dental implants, so you can chew naturally.

  1. You Will Not Be in a State of Discomfort

The placement of dental implants may be frightening to some, but with our comfort techniques, we will reassure you that those fears will pass. Using IV sedation combined with local anesthesia, we minimize or eliminate any or all discomfort during and after the procedure. Most of our patients return for their 24 hour follow up having only needed to take antiinflammatories, like Motrin. This is one of the most shocking things–patients experience only minimal discomfort for an extensive procedure.

  1. Your New Set of Teeth Still Need TLC

Dental implants may be resistant to gum disease, but bacteria can still happen. You must stay on top of your at-home dental regimen. Your new set of teeth look perfect, but they still need brushing, flossing, and dental visits.

  1. These Teeth Could Be Your Forever Teeth

Your new set of teeth are designed to last. If you take care of them, they could last forty years or longer. If you invest in Teeth in a Day, get your money’s worth by caring for your new set of teeth properly.

  1. You May Have Different Payment Options

Some dental insurance companies may contribute a portion of the cost for your full arch dental implants. If you have insurance, ask about your coverage. Also, payment plans could be a possibility. Scheduling a consultation will give you the best idea on cost and how to plan for it. Teeth in a Day may seem expensive but regaining your smile and normal chewing will be game-changing.


If you have questions about Teeth in a Day, reach out to Providence Dental Spa. We will guide you in your journey to reclaiming your smile and oral health.