Providence Dental Spa

Evoke Giveaway! 

EVOKE is an exciting service we offer to target loose skin in problem areas like your jowls, cheeks, chin, neck, or jawline. This FDA-approved technology utilizes radiofrequency to achieve incredible results without surgery. As dental professionals, we are very familiar with the skin and muscles in your face, which makes us the ideal provider for EVOKE. 

Beginning January 14th and running through March 10th, we are offering the opportunity for a patient to win a package of six EVOKE treatments, valued at $2400. The winner will be announced at the end of March. 

How to Enter:

To receive one entry, patients must like, comment, or share our social post which includes the video explaining the EVOKE experience posted above. You can receive an entry for each if you choose to like, comment, and share. Patients who choose to like, comment, or share our EVOKE video will automatically earn access to our special promotional pricing to try EVOKE at a reduced cost. Follow this link to our social post to enter!

The Benefits of EVOKE

  •       Improve Appearance
  •       Achieve your Transformed Skin Without Pain, Downtime, or Surgery
  •       Enjoy Quick Improvement With No Scarring

EVOKE is designed to achieve about 60-70% of the results that you could achieve from a facelift. Facelifts require surgery, which carries the risk of scarring. Also, you will have to plan for a recovery that could last for weeks. EVOKE only takes about 30 minutes, and you will be well enough to resume normal activities afterward. The EVOKE process is pain-free, and the only sensation you will experience is a little bit of warmth. If you can tolerate a heating pad, you will feel comfortable with EVOKE. You are awake during your EVOKE session, so you can choose to read a book, rest, watch something, listen to music, or whatever else would be relaxing. Assuming you do not experience any skin irritation, you can return for your next EVOKE session in a week. The number of sessions necessary will depend on the individual patient’s needs. If you would like to learn more, check out our page all about EVOKE.

If you are ready to transform your face, enter our giveaway, and consider scheduling an EVOKE session. Since you have access to special pricing, you can always go ahead and start your transformation right away.