Dental Implants In Newnan, GA

The Foundation for Supporting Replacement Teeth with Dental Implants

Teeth Implant

What are Implants?

In essence, implants serve as the essential foundation for prosthetic teeth, without placing the burden of support on the neighboring teeth. Implants function much like the roots of natural teeth, securely anchoring the tooth to the jawbone. Thanks to recent technological advancements, modern implants offer the most robust support available for replacement teeth.

The Benefits of Implants:

1 Offer a Robust Foundation for Artificial Teeth.

2 Comfortably and Invisibly Support Prosthetic Teeth.

3 Enhance Your Smile's Aesthetics.

4 Preserve Bone Health and Promote Growth.

5 Enable Your Other Teeth to Support Themselves.

The Process:


Create a Customized Plan.

During your initial visit, we will perform a comprehensive examination of your mouth to establish the most suitable solution. If necessary, x-rays and 3D imaging will be employed to provide a comprehensive view of your options. Our team will collaborate with you to develop the optimal implant surgery plan.


Prioritize Your Comfort.

When you arrive for your next appointment, ensuring your comfort is our primary concern. Local anesthesia and sedation are readily available as needed to ensure you are relaxed during the procedure.


Placement of the Implant.

The implant will be meticulously positioned in the jawbone, precisely where your missing tooth was. While there might be some swelling and discomfort after the sedatives and anesthesia wear off, most patients have described the pain as minimal. If feasible, an abutment or small connector may also be placed at this time.


Facilitate Healing and Bonding Period.

Over the next few months, your jawbone and the implant will naturally fuse during the healing process. This bonding process, known as osseointegration, is what makes implants provide the most robust foundation. In essence, your body accepts the implant as a natural component of your smile. Once the healing period is finished, your artificial tooth will have the perfect foundation in place.


Take Dental Impressions.

Now that your foundation is prepared, we will create impressions to craft your custom tooth or teeth. These impressions will encompass your entire smile to ensure that the artificial tooth or teeth blend seamlessly with your existing teeth.


Enjoy Your Smile!

Once your custom tooth or teeth are prepared, we will affix them to the abutment and implant. Your prosthetic tooth or teeth will operate and appear as if they have always been a natural part of your smile.

If you are interested in discussing dental implants in Newnan GA, schedule a consultation to determine the best restorative dental solution for improving your tooth function, oral health, and appearance.

Schedule your
appointment today.