Root Canals In Newnan, GA

A Procedure to Treat Inflammation or Infection Inside a Tooth.

Before Root Canal After Root Canal

What is a Root Canal?

Located within a tooth, beneath the enamel and dentin, is a soft tissue layer called pulp. While vital for tooth development in early stages, it becomes unnecessary for mature teeth. When this pulp becomes inflamed or infected, it can lead to lasting tooth problems, abscess formation, and severe pain. A root canal can relieve an abscess or pain, while also preserving the tooth by removing the pulp and sealing the empty space.

The Benefits of Root Canals:

1 Protect the tooth from additional decay.

2 Alleviate pain caused by an abscess.

3 Preserve as much of your natural tooth as we can.

4 Resume normal chewing without affecting your original bite pattern.

5 Seamlessly integrate the repaired tooth.

The Process:


Develop a clear plan.

Before starting the procedure, we will take a radiograph of the tooth using X-rays to gain a comprehensive view of the affected tooth's core.


Manage your comfort.

We'll gently administer local anesthetic to numb the affected area. Once your tooth and gums are numb, we'll use a rubber dam and a suction tool to keep the area clean and control excessive saliva.


Remove the problem.

At this point, we'll use delicate tools to carefully remove the pulp from the tooth. Our aim is to address the issue with minimal invasiveness. We'll clean the root canal and chamber, preparing the space for a proper filling.


Restore the core.

With the tooth prepared for filling, we'll insert a sealant known as gutta-percha, which will be securely held in place with cement to completely seal the space. The top of the tooth will be covered with a temporary crown until a permanent restoration or crown can be put in place.


Finalize the top.

When your tooth is finished with either a restoration or crown, it will seamlessly blend with your natural smile. A tooth repaired in this way is anticipated to last as long as your natural teeth, provided you maintain proper dental hygiene.

If you suspect a root canal is needed, schedule a consultation to determine the best restorative dental solution for improving your tooth function, oral health, and appearance.

Schedule your
appointment today.