Oral Cancer Screening In Newnan, GA

Thorough Examination for Early Detection of Oral Cancer

Explore the VELscope

Cancer Screening

A Handheld Device Revolutionizing the Oral Cancer Screening Process

Cancer Screening With Ipod

What is a Oral Cancer Screening?

A visual inspection for oral cancer is routinely conducted during regular cleanings, often revealing abnormalities. We also recommend an annual screening with a VELscope, a specialized device for oral cancer screening that employs a blue light to illuminate tissue molecules for a precise examination. Given the prevalence of oral cancer, prioritizing thorough screenings is vital and can greatly influence the success of treatment.

Benefits of Oral Cancer Screening:

1 Early detection greatly enhances the success of oral cancer treatment.

2 Ensure Peace of Mind.

3 A Swift and Painless Check.

The Process:


Soothe Your Concerns

Upon your screening appointment, we'll address any inquiries or worries you may have, and you're invited to enjoy our spa services for added relaxation during the screening process.


Perform a Comprehensive Examination

Following a brief visual examination, we'll employ the VELscope, which illuminates tissue molecules using a blue light, providing a valuable tool for mouth inspection.


Reviewing the Results

If we identify any abnormalities or lesions, we will promptly address the next steps for examination, whether it involves a biopsy or close observation, ensuring your well-being is our top priority. Fortunately, even if the lesions are cancerous, early treatment boasts a high success rate.

If you are interested in an oral cancer screening, contact Providence Dental Spa today to schedule your screening.

Schedule your
appointment today.